Facial Skin Care

How To Deal With Maskne?

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Whether we like it or not, face masks have become a part of our daily lives. There’s no question about how important they are to helping us survive through this pandemic situation. But, when the mask comes off, it unveils a range of skin issues, including blemishes, redness around your jawline, a constellation of pimples, breakouts, and inflammation. These are prominent skin concerns amongst people who wear masks for a longer duration and is mostly caused due to oil and bacteria clogging your pores. Before we dive into some expert tips on how to deal with maskne, let’s get a better understanding of it. 

About Maskne and Its Causes

Maskne is a term coined by the internet. The clinical term for this skin issue is called acne mechanica. Prolonged use of masks causes friction that leads to skin damage. From skin irritation to redness, there are several concerns that could bother your skin. Especially when masks start rubbing against the already affected areas on your skin, these conditions only get worse. 

The humidity and moisture caused while wearing masks for a longer duration are one of the key causes of acne. Apart from that, when your pores get clogged, bacteria are constantly reintroduced in the areas covered by your mask. The weather also plays an important role in causing maskne. If left untreated, it will only get worse. 

Top 3 Expert Tips to Treat Maskne 

If you are already dealing with maskne, we have some expert skincare tips to help you overcome it. 

  1. One of the key tips to dealing with maskne is to start exfoliating and moisturizing your skin. Use a gentle exfoliant on your face once a week, but don’t overdo it.
  1. Spot treatments play an imperative role in having clear and happy skin. When shopping for products, carefully consider the ingredients. Consider products that have one or more of these ingredients Salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc, and 2.5% benzoyl peroxide because they help clear your skin and promote new cell turnover.
  2. Try a Hydrafacial once a month. This treatment is a great solution for all skin types and can help remove dead skin cells, extract impurities, and rehydrates the skin.

Best 5 Tips to Prevent Maskne

Now that you are aware of the causes and treatment of maskne, it’s important to know how to prevent it from happening. Breakouts can be stressful, which is why practicing good skincare becomes a crucial part of your daily routine. 

  1. COVID-19 has taught us the importance of a frequent and effective hand washing routine. Similarly, you should wash your face, cleanse your skin, and keep it hydrated as you take your mask off for the day.
  1. Whether you are using cloth masks or surgical masks, wash/replace them frequently. Mask hygiene is as important as your skincare routine.
  1. Masks are a great reason to adopt a make-up free lifestyle. Not only because it covers your face, but it also prevents pore-clogging underneath.
  1. Choose the fabric of your mask carefully. If you have acne-prone skin or sensitive skin, it’s best to use silk-lined masks. They are extremely gentle on your skin and also have the desired anti-microbial properties.
  1. Look for skincare products with ingredients that include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and Retinoids because they help clear your skin and promote new cell turnover.

You are now fully equipped with tips to protect your skin from maskne. Go out there, wear a mask, and keep yourself safe without compromising on your skin. 

Natassia is the Editorial Director for both Your Brand of Beauty and PMWorld 360 Magazine. She is also the Content Marketing Manager for Lead-Her-Ship Group. Natassia has been a co-contributor for the Price of Business talk radio and USA Business Radio. She’s also been a contributor to AlphaGamma, a business portal for Millennials. Natassia holds degrees and experience in Psychology, Criminology, and certification in Legal Administration.   As an avid beauty enthusiast, Natassia has always had a love of makeup. She has a vast collection of lip products and other makeup products. Her love of cosmetics led her to work as a cosmetologist for a time. She spends most of her spare time looking for and testing the best beauty products and keeping up with trends. Natassia is admittedly a hair product junkie, she owns more hair products than she owns shoes. Her true passion is achieving the perfect natural curls. Her connection to wellness comes from her formal training in Psychology and her desire to maintain her optimal state of wellness. Natassia cover's all topics for men and women under 40.

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